The Number Picker Wheel is a random number generator wheel (RNG) tool that spins to generate a random number. This is another Picker Wheel specialised spinner that focuses on number generators.

You can choose from five different input options for your application. The first input type is used by default (range numbers).

Due to the wheel's size limitation, this is beneficial when you just need less than 1000 (Desktop/Tablet) or 500 (Mobile) different numbers.

You can choose the number range you want to randomise. After each spin, the number randomizer will output a number based on the specified inputs. It's a ten-value spinner by default.

You can experiment with two different settings for this RNG wheel input type: standard mode and elimination mode.

We built the spin and combine input types in response to numerous requests for a solution for more than 100 different integers. It can generate a random number between 0 and 99999.

Each spin of the wheel generates a single digit (0-9) that is added together to get a final number.

How to Use the Random Number Generator?

First Input Type (Range)

The wheel will produce a list of numbers based on the Min, Max and Interval values.

1. Write the Min, Max and the Interval values. There are only up to 1000 (Desktop/Tablet) or 500 (Mobile) portions allowed. 
2. The wheel will be updated with the latest inputs
3. Click the spin button to start spinning the random number wheel. 
4. The random number is produced and displayed on a dialog.
5. Choose one of the action modes towards the result. 
6. The result is then stored in the history. 
7. Choose to shuffle the available inputs of random number generator . 

8. Change the spin behavior, sound, confetti and color settings at Tool Settings section.

Second to Fifth Input Type (Spin and Combine)

It spins and displays digit by digit. All the digits are combined together in the end to form a final number.

1. Pick the desired number of digits (at the input type) you want to show.
2. Click the Spin button to start spinning.
3. The digit result from each spin is displayed on these boards. You can tap on the board to spin that particular digit.
4. Enable the automatically spinning by toggling this button, else you have to spin the digit one by one manually.
5. You can reset the digits by clicking this reset button.

Types Of Modes

For the range input type, two ßmodes are available in this rng for different use cases. For the spin and combine input types, there is only the normal mode available.

Normal Mode

If you have used core Picker Wheel before, this mode is similar. When you choose this mode for the result selected, it does not have side effect to the result.

Use Case 1

This rng can be used in a giftaway event. Where each of the gifts is assigned with a number. The eligible participant is able to spin the wheel to pick a number in order to get his/her gift.

Use Case 2

Teachers can use the default 10 value spinner to teach their students about the numbers. By using the wheel, the learning process will be more interesting.

Elimination Mode

This mode is again similar to original Picker Wheel's elimination mode. The difference is it will permanently remove the result selected from the wheel if you select this mode.

Use Case 3

This random number picker application can be used also in a giftaway event. Where each participants are holding a number themselves, the gifts will be given one by one based on the number generated by this RNG.

How to Share the App?

Click the share button from the top right corner of the website.

You may copy the link’s address or click the Copy or Facebook or Twitter buttons to share this Random Number Generator with other people. You may also choose to include your current wheel's tool settings e.g. colors for the share link.

Please spread this application to your friends and family if you find this application is useful.

We Want to Hear Your Feedback

If you have any feedback or discover any bug on this random number generator. Please feel free to let us know. We may take your feedback to improve the number generator.

Need an Alternative Random Number Generator?

If you want a more customized inputs such as unsequential numbers. You can use the core Picker Wheel application. You can put in each of the inputs and finally also let the wheel to decide for you.

Let's Use Number Picker Wheel to Pick a Number. Happy Playing!

Number Picker Wheel - Pick Random Number by Spinning Wheel
What is Number Picker Wheel?
Number Picker Wheel - Pick Random Number by Spinning
Number Picker Wheel